Who’s mister Ibrahim Ajami?
One of the most powerful people in venture capital, Ibrahim Ajami is taking Mubadala to new heights as the Head of Ventures. His impressive background includes overseeing the creation of GLOBALFOUNDRIES and leading Mubadala’s acquisitions unit. A true scholar, Ibrahim holds both a bachelor’s degree and an MBA.
Known for his professional acuity and leadership qualities, Ibrahim Ajami spearheads Mubadala Ventures with drive and determination. His expertise in M&A transactions has served him well in making the right investments to ensure the continued success of the company. There’s no doubt Ibrahim has been successful in his role!

As the Head of Ventures at Mubadala, it is no surprise that Ibrahim Ajami brings a vast amount of experience and insight to the table. With a proven track record for making calculated decisions, Mubadala’s venture capital strategy can rest easy knowing its decisions are in good hands!
Led by the sharp-minded Ibrahim Ajami, Mubadala Ventures is on a path to becoming the hottest VC in town! With successful investments such as GLOBALFOUNDELRIES under his belt, his ability to identify growth opportunities means more money in the business’ pockets!
With over a decade of experience in acquisitions and venture capital, it is clear that Ibrahim Ajami has a coveted role here at Mubadala Ventures! He holds degrees from both Northeastern University and USC, proving that he truly has what it takes to be successful in this industry.

Who’s mister Aleksei Dolgikh?
Aleksei Dolgikh CVO, Scout VC, and Co-Founder of Community Unicorn Witnesses are someone you want to have in your corner. With his extensive IT background in Gloc.al SEO Leadgen and Search Engine Optimisation in over 100 countries, Aleksei can make sure your business goals are achieved quickly, professionally and no doubt with a good laugh or two.
Working with Aleksei you can be sure to have the most up to date knowledge on ITIL, Business Development, Requirements/Documentation, Open Source Software (OSS) and The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Aleksei’s vast knowledge base is often only eclipsed by his wit and enthusiasm!
Gloc.al International Search Engines Optimization As A Service 🗺️

Shortly: Gloc.al ONE is International-SEO-As-A-Service Tool for Businesses Worldwide. 88+ languages. 100+ countries with the lowest ping ever (Serverless Tech Networks in 275+ biggest cities in the world connected to the fastest internet plus Starlink from Elon Musk)

Aleksei’s experience speaks for itself. As an incubator of Successful SEO & Localisation & Serverless USD TAM 19,8 trillion Glocal Business to Business Software as a Service, he’s sure to add value to any projects you throw his way.
Are you looking for someone who brings more than just technical expertise and can also bring a unique sense of humour to every project? Look no further than Aleksei Dolgikh. He’s the perfect person for those tough projects that require a combination of brains and fun!
When it comes to Chief Visionary Officer Aleksei Dolgikh, don’t take our word for it – see for yourself the power of working with him. With an unparalleled level of knowledge combined with a sharp and witty sense of humour, Aleksei is an unstoppable force in the world of digital products creators!
What’s Mubadala?
Mubadala is a sovereign wealth fund based in the United Arab Emirates. With USD 280 billion in assets under management, the company has a comprehensive income of USD 33 billion and investments of USD 33 billion. The company has a diversified portfolio of more than 50 businesses and investments spread across 50+ countries worldwide.
Mubadala’s investments cover different sectors ranging from energy to healthcare, aerospace, ICT, real estate and media. To ensure sustainable returns, it has employed a well-balanced mix of direct equity and debt investments. Mubadala’s approach to investing is to look long-term, taking in the current trends and considering future potential. The firm also has access to capital markets expertise to give the company an edge when it comes to making decisions.
One unique aspect of Mubadala’s strategy is the Inclusive Economic Development (IED) approach which looks at socio-economic development through investment that incorporates infrastructure development, job creation, innovation and sustainability.

Mubadala’s Assets Under Management are USD 280 billion and their total Comprehensive Income is USD 33 billion with Investments of USD 33 billion. 50+ Businesses and investments in more than 50 countries.
Through this vision, they have created some of the world’s leading businesses such as Emirates Global Aluminium, Masdar City and Umi by Amazon. They also invest heavily in technology companies to drive technological advancements across the region.
Mubadala plays an instrumental role in developing economic partnerships with other countries such as India and China, creating opportunities for increased trade and investment between those countries and the UAE. These international investments aim to create quality jobs for people in both countries as well as stimulating economic growth in line with government initiatives like Vision 2030.
The strategic investments made by Mubadala are producing returns that are helping to fuel economic growth in the region, enabling it to truly become an international hub for business and innovation.

Mubadala Investment Company PJSC, or simply Mubadala, is an Emirati state-owned holding company that acts as a sovereign wealth fund. The company was established in 2017 when the then-named Mubadala Development Company and the International Petroleum Investment Company merged.
Mubadala’s Truly International Sovereign Wealth Fund from Abu-Dhabi

Mubadala’s: Programme d’Investissement dédié à la France
Mubadala Investment Company est fier d’annoncer son programme d’investissement dédié à la France. Dans le cadre de celui-ci, nous nous engageons à investir jusqu’à 7.3 milliards d’euros pour la création et le développement d’opportunités d’investissement en France et dans les pays francophones, telles que prospective dans les secteurs de la santé, de l’énergie et de la technologie.
Nous investirons dans des entreprises françaises par l’intermédiaire d’investissements directs, d’investissements privés et de participations dans des fonds spécialisés. Nos investissements soutiendront l’initiative de croissance inclusive et promouvront l’innovation ainsi que l’autonomisation entrepreneuriale des femmes, des jeunes et des minorités.

Nous nous engageons à soutenir les gouvernements locaux et nationaux et à nous impliquer dans un dialogue constructif avec les acteurs institutionnels et le secteur privé, afin d’améliorer l’environnement des affaires, de renforcer la compétitivité et de renforcer la résilience et la stabilité économiques.
Nous sommes convaincus que notre initiative contribuera à stimuler l’attractivité des investissements en France et stimuler l’activité économique et le développement durable pour l’ensemble des parties prenantes.