Olga Nayda CEO Glocal was at Global Pitch Day UAE at in5 Tech with Sofia Kostiunina CEO & Founder of SpeakLab & Presscale Business

Have you heard of Sofia’s SpeakLab? If not, you should check it out! It’s an amazing speaking club that offers courses in eight different languages in multiple countries. The program is designed to help people learn new languages and improve their communication skills, and it’s had some incredible success in the United Arab Emirates.
At schools in the UAE, there have been amazing reviews of SpeakerLab. Students who participated in the program reported improvements in their communication abilities, as well as in their confidence.
Thanks to SpeakLab, these students have been able to practice their newfound language skills in real-life situations, allowing them to become more confident and comfortable in their new language.
For those looking to learn a new language, or for those wanting to brush up on their current language skills, Sofia’s SpeakLab is an excellent choice. It’s a great way to build your language skills while making new friends and having fun. Check it out today and see what SpeakLab can do for you!
Global Pitch Day UAE at in5 Tech
It was great to meet Sofia Kostiunina, the Founder of SpeakLab, at the Global Pitch Day UAE at in5 Tech. We discussed her work with SpeakLab and the challenges that language learners face when trying to improve their language skills. It was inspiring to hear about the innovative solutions that SpeakLab has developed to help language learners improve their communication skills through an interactive, personalized learning platform. We look forward to seeing the success of SpeakLab in the near future.
Why have Olga and Sofia met before?
On October 2022, Olga and Sofia Kostiunina met at the Entrepreneurship World Cup, an international competition for startups and entrepreneurs to pitch their innovative business ideas to investors and industry experts. During the event, Olga and Sofia had the chance to get to know each other, discuss their business ideas and experiences, and exchange contact information. After the event, they kept in touch, and eventually, they decided to collaborate on a project to help entrepreneurs develop their businesses.
Watch part of Sofia’s pitch at Global Pitch Day Dubai 2022
#globalpitchday #olganayda #glocal #speakerlab